


    As part of its efforts to improve workplace nutrition and promote healthy living among employees, 推荐买球平台阿勒 加纳 is providing fortified rice to employees across all 6 locations during lunchtime.


    This initiative is in line with 推荐买球平台阿勒’s goal to provide access to nutrition programmes for 100% of the workforce by 2030. 这是通过劳动力营养计划实现的, designed to reduce malnutrition at the workplace while driving positive business values.

    Fortified rice provides the nutrients necessary to boost the health of employees while promoting healthy eating habits. 这一举措还旨在帮助提高生产率,鼓舞员工士气.

    推荐买球平台阿勒 is well known as the first company to introduce fortified rice into the 加纳ian market under the brand name Royal Aroma Fortified. 这符合公司改造食品的宗旨, 饲料, and fibre to for a more sustainable future and by providing consumers with high-quality, healthy rice while assisting in the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies among 加纳ians.

    御香强化大米富含维生素, 铁, 锌, and other significant minerals capable of improving the nutritional quality of foods while also providing health benefits for the public.

    除了为员工提供充足和卫生的食物来源, 推荐买球平台阿勒 加纳 has also ensured that all business locations have access to a separate, 清洁, and hygienic canteen for all employees and organises periodic health checks and talks for employees in hopes of promoting a healthy lifestyle. 

    “Food fortification is one of the most proven and cost-effective ways of addressing malnutrition, 包括挑战微量营养素缺乏. 良好的营养不仅对消费者很重要, 也是为了推荐几个足彩外围app的农民和推荐几个足彩外围app推荐买球平台农业的员工. Many of us have nutrient deficiencies and may not even know that is why these are referred to as "hidden hunger." The addition of important vitamins and minerals into staple foods--like rice--is a great way to get more nutrients. Ensuring that all of us working at 推荐买球平台阿勒 gets enough nutrients during the day can help keep everyone focused and healthy,食品安全和营养主管马洛里·亨利说&S.
